It is easy to get stuck in a rut as a doctor, especially when you have finished your training and finally make it to Consultant 🎓.

Once you have perfected your medical skills (I know no one really gets to perfect it, but you know what I mean - you pretty much know how to do the thing that you do), there is another huge area that you can work on, that remains largely untapped by most doctors.

Most doctors spend their time focusing on the clinical outcomes for patients, without thinking about how they are actually treating patients.

If you have every been a patient yourself, you will know that there is very little interaction with the doctor themselves.

Most doctors don't realise that there is a huge opportunity to improve the care that they are giving to their patients by starting to look at the service that they are offering.

  • If you want to escape the mediocrity of trying to compete with your colleagues based on your clinical outcomes
  • If you want to escape the constraints put on you by the NHS restricting how and who you can treat
  • If you want to deliver over and above and help people not only by treating the condition that you directly see, but also support them throughout the whole process.

...then 'The Escape Plan' is for you

I will walk you through practical changes your can make to you Private Practice to give a more personal experience to your patients and a more sustainable and profitable business for you.

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